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» Getting out anger
The end I_icon_minitimeby Shadow Uchiha Sun Nov 15, 2015 6:43 pm

The end I_icon_minitimeby Shadow Uchiha Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:33 pm

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The end I_icon_minitimeby V Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:04 pm

» Watari Bio
The end I_icon_minitimeby V Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:53 pm

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The end I_icon_minitimeby Ken A Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:04 am

» I've come to claim my son.
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 The end

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3 posters

Cool points : 1

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 21, 2013 11:01 am

Shinok grinned and pointed at shadow. The beasts were dieing as soon as the reached shadows energy field he could already tell. He raised and hand an with six fast hands motions dissipated into the old palace ruins of B17.

While there he spoke with the elder gods offering them his sisters immortal soul for his powers they accepted and he was grant full god control over everything.

A black swirling mist clouded in the sky and a heavy rain had started to fall. In a great fiery flash a massive bolt of lightning had hit the ground and there stood Shinok. The ground under neath him arose and his legs dissipated. In place of them was a black like evil substance which encased in it the souls screaming and trying to escape. He pulled out the blade fifty feet in length gleaming and shimmering with the souls of the damned orange energy swirling around the hilt.

"Shadow i will give you one last chance..."

He shoved the blade into the ground and ripped the ground in front of him. Little did he now he was near the lava pools and the sword had instantly pooling in souls into the blade. The blade was going power hungry hand had started to become to powerful Shinok grinned.

"Kidd-Reaper god of death..'

The blade morphed into its former handler. It turned to shinok and nodded. It ran up to shadow with lighting fast speed and grabbed him six shadow warriors grabbed him and Kidd removed his hood. In a instant a flood of emotions was poured into shadow and Shinok grinned.

"Lets see what anger can really do to a god..."

Shinok than swirled his left hand and called out to Darkryi. From three different directions Dark matter found its way into Shinoks body and memory's suddenly flooded back into him. His anger jumped and his body turned black as deep space he raised his right hand and charged up. Orange energy flowed into it and it made the air around him hot and humid. He hefted his hands up and floating spirals of rocks and the old plants of B17 appeared it reminded him of home. Anger over came him.

His armor turned black as night and the ancient language along the side of his head crest glowed bright orange. His eyes turned bright red with anger. The energy in side him exploded out of his chest and with a bright flash stood another beast. An elemental dragon of fire and electricity combined its wings brought it up high over the paladin. He could see his brother far in the distance the titan looked power hungry.

His elemental went back into his body the night quite.

"Calm before the storm..."

His mask opened up and in one fiery move a big blast of explosive energy hurtled towards shadow at immense speed.

"Dodge this..."

In an instant if exploded with more power than a star has you could see the explosion from space it engulfed half the land. He waited for shadow's next move.
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Cool points : 0
Job/hobbies : God of beasts and war

Dark Brand:
Dying Will Flame:
Soul Count:

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 21, 2013 10:40 am

Darkryi was dumbfounded he thought about it and realized he took out the wrong shadow but that didn't matter to him his plan was about to unfold in an instant. He rose out of the hole and charged up again the blackened electricity flowing around him. His eye's turned pure black now and his aura brightened he was going into true god mode.

"You have now under estimated us shadow uchiha...."

He grew to enormous size and than dissipated off of the face of the planet.

Down in the molten core he was bigger than the moon now he was in full god mode any none immortal being who looked at him would die instantly. He looked around and started to rise. Above on the field the ground shook and volcanoes appeared spewing hot lava destroying villages and small towns. In a rough Titan like voice he spoke.

"Shadow...." His voice boomed across Mylania.

He was now enormous his head in the heavens. His body had a blackened blanket of black energy coursing around him. Little beings of his race were falling off of him like specks of dust killing souls and other beings in the paladin you could hear their cry's from miles away. His body rustled and rocks were popping up around him he directed his vision towards shadow.

"You will now die...."

He flung out one are around and little promethean monsters flew off in all directions. A million headed towards shadow and in an instant he was swarmed.

Last edited by Darkryi on Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Shadow Uchiha
The Dark King of Elysium
The Dark King of Elysium
Shadow Uchiha

Cool points : -1
Job/hobbies : Father, Leader

Dark Brand: Unobtained
Dying Will Flame: Unobtained
Soul Count: 666

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2013 11:16 pm

Shadow would snicker as he sat on the edge of a nearby crater. He would take a bite from the apple that he had in hand. Standing, then walking towards the two, Shadow would simply shake his head as he tossed the apple behind him. As for the Illusion of death and a so called fight, it would be snapped of with the flick of his wrist. Shadow would rub his hands together.

"...Illusions are so...lifelike...aren't they...?"

Little did they know, they were not the only ones with godly powers. They may have godly bodies, but they are stuck with very underdeveloped brains. Who could really think that that much Chakra being released could really be reality? Lifting a Kunai Blade from his robes, Shadow would blink a few times as he prepared for battle. He would joke.

"This time, no tricks..."
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Cool points : 1

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2013 10:09 pm

The bolts missed him by an inch. He wasn't fooled by suck trickery he knew which Shadow was which God of illusion wasn't very good at doing tricks he turned to the real Shadow and spoke.

"My brother is a fool... but you haven't fooled me shadow.."

He swirled his hands in the air and electricity swirled around his arms. He chanted in the ancient Promethean language. The aura around him brightened and his head crest lit up orange the electricity increasing around him.

"Shadow you shall not escape!!!!"

He hefted his arms forward and a great orange beam went hurtling to the real shadow he grinned as he saw his brother realize what had happened.
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Cool points : 0
Job/hobbies : God of beasts and war

Dark Brand:
Dying Will Flame:
Soul Count:

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2013 10:03 pm

Darkryi just grinned and his power spiked and disintegrated the little shadow and absorbed the energy from it and his power increased ten fold. He teleported right in front of shadow. With the energy that was stored within him for so long he punched shadow in the gut he felt the crack of a vertebra.

"You don't understand what your dealing with..."

Dark matter engulfed shadow and blasted him away leaving but a mile deep hole Darkryi flew back next to his brother and waited for him to do his move.
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Shadow Uchiha
The Dark King of Elysium
The Dark King of Elysium
Shadow Uchiha

Cool points : -1
Job/hobbies : Father, Leader

Dark Brand: Unobtained
Dying Will Flame: Unobtained
Soul Count: 666

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2013 9:57 pm

Shadow would stand motionless as the two fools began ruthlessly attacking the ground. In their big show, Shadow would begin to get tired of this whole thing. Snapping his fingers, the chakra he had used to create the shadow clones would disperse, therefore destroying the reapers. He would look towards the ground, and up into the sky and see the large amount of dust that was being forced into the air and shake his head. They were terribly misinformed on where they were.

"...I wouldn't do that if I were you..."

The ground would rumble. They were not far now. Shadow's Susano'o would begin to darken, and then turn completely black. He was now ready to fight these idiots. Doing a variation of hand signs, Shadow would smile as an identical coppy of himself would be created. The Dead Soul Jutsu was indeed a rather resourceful ability to have. Shadow would reach out to the earth beneath Darkryi and a very large vortex would open up beneath him and thousands of creature-like tentacles would grab him from all over. He would begin to be drained of his energy with every moment he had contact with the creature.

"Cthuhlu... An offering..."

As Shadow was focusing on Darkryi, the other Shadow would grin as the flames of the Susano'o would jump from one host, to another. On the left arm of the Susano'o, was a rather large crossbow equipped with unstable Amaterasu arrows. He would let loose three arrows directly at Shinok and crack his neck.

"I don't think you know who your really dealing with here.."
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Cool points : 1

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2013 7:07 pm

He grinned and put out his right hand.

"My turn.."

He hefted his hand towards the heavens and a big flash of orange lighting came down. The energy coursed through his body spiking his energy levels making him stronger. He laughed thinking how little energy it had cost him to turn the shadows into reapers.

"You will now see true power!!!"

He flexed his muscles and the energy increased his body glowed orange and he stomped one foot on the ground and the entire portion of that ground blew away with the breeze. He turned his head and his armor changed into its original form orange and gleaming with gold. He turned his head towards shadow.

"Show me what you have mortal...."
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Cool points : 0
Job/hobbies : God of beasts and war

Dark Brand:
Dying Will Flame:
Soul Count:

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2013 6:58 pm

Darkryi grinned with evil intentions, as shadow had not realized yet the shadow clones were not of this earth and the started to transform. Metal armor encased their body's and they formed into three Reaper's. A black aura consumed Darkryi.

"You will now fear me shadow..."

He flexed his claws and both his tails slid out of his armor plating and they dripped acid from each tipped end. He cracked his knuckles and dark matter flew out in every direction destroying the ground and rocks. He grinned and cracked his neck.


His eyes went pitch black and his muscle index increased and a black swirling mass of electricity engulfed him. He barred his teeth and went into a fighting stance with a mass of energy he blew away the ground below him and was floating in mid air. He grinned and stood up right.

"Fight me...."
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Shadow Uchiha
The Dark King of Elysium
The Dark King of Elysium
Shadow Uchiha

Cool points : -1
Job/hobbies : Father, Leader

Dark Brand: Unobtained
Dying Will Flame: Unobtained
Soul Count: 666

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 9:06 pm

Shadow would raise an eyebrow and flash out many hand signs in under a second. As the dogs began to pounce, three shadow clones would appear and grip each dog with fierce strength. As the surge of lightning flew at him, Shadow could do no more then smile as the clones threw themselves with the dogs in hand into the oncoming burst of lightning.

"Is this all you have..?!"

He would smile as large deep purple flames would engulf his body. Revealing the Susano'os true power, Shadow would flex and stretch as the wind cleared the dust from the transformation. The flames towered over the six foot god.

"...and now, for my rebuttal..."
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Cool points : 1

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 5:57 pm

Shinok smiled an evil grin and laughed.

"What a petty move brother.."

He flexed his right hand and orange lightning beamed from the heavens and into his palm. His entire body lit up orange and an aura appeared around him. He grabbed the sword of souls off his belt and he flicked his wrist and an orange flash of lighting took out a boulder and the blade humming with power appeared.

"Lets see how you will do with this Shadow..."

Still grinning he swung at air and a flash of energy went towards shadows feet creating a massive crater were he stood and he waited for the dust to clear.
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Cool points : 0
Job/hobbies : God of beasts and war

Dark Brand:
Dying Will Flame:
Soul Count:

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 5:45 pm

He just laughed at what Shadow had said, His left hand crackled and turned into black lighting the air around him smelled of death and burnt flesh. He thrust his left hand forward into the ground and a crater appeared and out of it appeared three promethean wolves armor and fur glimmering in the lava light.

"Fight these shadow..."

The leapt for the mortal orange flashes of light coming off their skin as they ran.
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Shadow Uchiha
The Dark King of Elysium
The Dark King of Elysium
Shadow Uchiha

Cool points : -1
Job/hobbies : Father, Leader

Dark Brand: Unobtained
Dying Will Flame: Unobtained
Soul Count: 666

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 17, 2013 11:48 pm

Shadow would smirk with rather evil intentions as lightning would begin to surge throughout his body. He could remember him and his brother fighting side by side with nothing but lightning and fire to help them in battle. Those were the days. He could hear them coming. Shadow would raise an eyebrow.

"I'm glad the both of you fools could make it.."

Little did they both know, they were in way over their "godly" heads. Placing both of his hands in his pockets, Shadow would snicker as lightning continued to crackle around his silk suit. He had more important things to do then joke around with two simpletons. He would make this quick.

"Commence the fight indeed. Ill wait for the first move. Then my rebuttle..."
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Cool points : 1

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 17, 2013 12:12 pm

He just laughed a mighty laugh and shrunk down to normal mortal six foot size his face hidden in the black abyss that is his head crest. He walked over to shadow and said.

"commence the fight..."
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Cool points : 0
Job/hobbies : God of beasts and war

Dark Brand:
Dying Will Flame:
Soul Count:

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 17, 2013 12:08 pm

Behind Shadow ever silent appeared darkryi he loomed over shadow blue flames being thrown off his body in every direction. He grinned.

"I'm right here shadow..."

He stood upright and took his place next to shinok and his grin widened and his armor took its position on his body he ignited his flames in his right hand and was ready to fight.
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Shadow Uchiha
The Dark King of Elysium
The Dark King of Elysium
Shadow Uchiha

Cool points : -1
Job/hobbies : Father, Leader

Dark Brand: Unobtained
Dying Will Flame: Unobtained
Soul Count: 666

The end Empty
PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 17, 2013 12:03 pm

Suddenly, a small rift in the fabric of space would open and then close. Standing tall and ever elegant, Shadow Uchiha would brush off the small amount of dust that was on his jet black silk suit. Cracking his neck, he noticed all. He expected one more Leviathan to show, so he waited. Shadow's Mangekyou Sharingan would be rotating ever so slowly.

"...Where is your will need more then a long piece of metal and a giant to defeat me..."
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Cool points : 1

The end Empty
PostSubject: The end   The end I_icon_minitimeSun Feb 17, 2013 11:51 am

It was dark night the stars were out and it was silence. A dark black mist had suddenly fallen over the vast waste land. And a loud boom had crackled through the air and a orange flash went off.

Standing tower over a 20 ft tree stood shinok. Orange lighting crackling off his metal armor he looked left and right thinking to himself.

"Were is my brother...?"

He reached out and flicked his wrist with a great loud shudder the blade of souls appeared in his right hand.
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PostSubject: Re: The end   The end I_icon_minitime

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